Children's Cartoon Songs played on flute
Sep 03, 2024Can you guess these 4 children's cartoon theme songs played on the flute? These tunes are specifically from kids tv shows, so if you have kids (or are a kid at heart!) you might know these tunes!
Children's Cartoon Songs played on flute
Hi there. If you have kids, this is the right Guess the Tune for you to be watching. So this is four children's themes, cartoon themes I should say, and I'd love to know if you know what they are.
So they're gonna be played on a flute. My name is Jane. I'm a flute teacher and I teach people how to get faster progress through proper technique like in my flute academy. Where we learn the tweaks of proper technique that get you faster fingers, better sound, way more breath to play with, less pain when you play quicker tongue and so much more.
Number one, this is apparently one of Australia's biggest exports. I dunno whether it's literally one of Australia's biggest exports or if it's just saying it's super famous overseas. So let's see if you know it.
Do you know it? That's probably all you need to know if you do know it. If you do know this song, it's quite a recent cartoon by the way. 2018 is when this came out. Put it in the YouTube comments below and I'll tell you if you're right.
Flute School
If you are watching this on the flute.school blog, then scroll down to the bottom and it will tell you all the names of the four themes to let you know if you got them right.
Okay, the next three are more for you if you have kids that are a bit older, say probably under 20. So this one is from 2004, but you still see it around now. Very short and sweet.
Okay, the next one is from 2000, sorry, 2000, but it's still going now with spinoff. So if you have kids, you know, under 20 sh, you might've heard this a million times on the TV.
So I actually dunno that theme, which is why I have to think a bit at the start.
Free flute tiny course
Hey, by the way, if you want to get your own flute sound stronger and clearer, come along to www flute school, sign up for the free tiny course and I'll show you in five minutes a day for three days how to instantly get you a stronger sound, stronger, clearer flute sound.
We do that by tweaking your embouchure and it's a little taste of what I teach in the Flute Academy, teaching you proper techniques to get you instantly faster results.
Okay, next one. This is from 2013, but I see it on TV all the time, or just see it around. It's a bit of a strange concept for a cartoon though, if you know, you know.
Online flute teacher
There you go. Anyway, my name is Jane. I'm a flute teacher. Come and join me in the mini course, the tiny course at flute.school. It's only three days and it's only five minutes a day, and you will instantly have a stronger sound. It's free. Join me there. See you later.
If you enjoyed this video, then check out one of my other guess the tune videos, this time on video game music!
Here are the answers! The pieces in this video are:
1. Bluey theme song
2. Peppa Pig theme song
3. Dora the Explorer song
4. Paw Patrol
How many did you get right?