Thank you for your feedback

Thank you for your feedback

Mar 04, 2019

 If you did the quiz that I sent you a few weeks ago, thank you!

When I asked people their top frustrations when playing the flute, I found there were 5 things that were a common thread through the hundreds of responses I got.

I've made you a short video to give you a summary of the responses, plus my favourite (and funny!) response...

I wanted to say thank you so much for filling out that little quiz that I sent you a few weeks ago. I found out so many interesting things about you all. I wanna share a few of my favorites with you here. Don't worry. I won't mention any names. And I also wanna tell you, the top five themes that came up and why I actually sent you that quiz in the first place.

So firstly, my favorites, so many people said some really cool things like I enjoy playing the flute because it makes me forget about everything else. I love expressing the music in my head. So many people said things about how much they love playing, how they were made to play the flute, how it feels like they're coming home and that they can express what's in them. That's just amazing. I really didn't expect so many people to have that kind of connection with the flute.

For me, it's always been, it discipline that I do. It's something that I do at a high level that I've played in orchestras and I love doing it, but it's always been like my discipline, my work that I like. To hear so many people feel so connected with what they're doing with what they're doing when they play the flute is just amazing.

Okay let me show you some of my favorites. I think my total favorite was this one. I feel like I was just made to play the flute. No question about it. Like Harry Potter, choosing his wand. I love that. Now another one that I just thought really, really hits the nail on the head. I thought this person is going to go far. I love the challenge of trying to improve. That's good. I love to work on a piece of music and go from being horrible at it at first and then get to the point where I will actually recognize and enjoy what I'm playing. I feel like it is really good for my brain to go through the whole process and it feels so great when I can tell I am making progress. That is amazing. The fact that you can enjoy those small steps of progress is what is going to take you far.

Now that goes for all of you. I'm gonna talk about that more in another video about how to feel like you're making progress so that you actually do progress step by step you continually get better.

Okay now for the five themes that came up through these hundreds of responses that I got. In no particular order, these are the five top frustrations that people had. Running out of air, faster fingers, a clearer tone that's more consistent from day to day and more consistent over the range of the flute, slow fingers and overwhelm and feeling like you are slow to progress.

Those five things are all what I'm going to be concentrating more and more in the courses that I produce. And later this year look out for something called The Academy, the Flute Teacher School Academy. It's going to really focus on those five things with some other things as well. Which it seems like if I concentrate on giving you guys those five things mainly, that you're going to improve more quickly than you ever thought possible. So the reason I asked you that quiz in the first place a few weeks ago is that I was doing research for this new academy that I'm putting together. It's very exciting. I've been working on it for a while. I'll let you know when it's going to be available, but I just wanted to thank you again for your input into this because it helps me know what to actually create and what people are wanting to learn.

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