How to keep friends in a lockdown!
Apr 21, 2020As you know, I've been learning a new piece every day in lockdown, so that when this ends, I will still be able to play the flute ok!
The surprise that has come out of this however is that it's turning into a way to connect with my friends and family.
In the "old days", I would never have thought to record snippets of my flute playing for my friends, my grandma, my neighbour!
Watch the 3 minute video for my "lockdown social strategy"!
Stay healthy, look after yourself :)
PS. To instantly improve your tone and join me in the free mini-course I mentioned, just head over here.
All right we're unto principle number two, to get you through this lockdown out the other side, a better flute player and with more friends than when you went into this lockdown, rather than less. I'm going to show you how to keep the connection going with the friends, family, neighbors, colleagues that you've had before this lockdown. And not only that, it could well enhance your relationship with them. So my social life has absolutely tanked along with everyone else, probably in the world. So to get myself through this, each of those pieces that I'm learning each day, I'm recording a little snippet and sending it to a friend, my grandma, a neighbor even if they live really close by, a family member. I'm recording them a little snippet of what I'm doing, just saying hi and sending it off to them. And the reason that I say that this can actually enhance your relationship with them is that I've started doing this with friends that I don't see very often that I've sort of been wanting to catch up with, but haven't had the chance.
This can include friends overseas. So I've got a few overseas friends, all going through the same thing together, the same lockdown, sending them a little snippet of my flute playing and saying hi, along with it. The perfect example of doing this is when it's someone’s birthday. Play them happy birthday, record them happy birthday and send it to them. They are going to love it. It's like a little audio birthday present. Now, if you are thinking that you'd like to do this, but maybe you don't think you sound good enough to be recording yourself. Well, I've got two things to say to your about that. One is if you can play better, a flute better than the person that you're sending this to, they are going to think you are amazing. Fact. And the number two thing to say to you is if you would like to improve your tone, come and do a free three day minicourse with me, where I show you how to instantly improve your tone.
So this is one day at a time for 3 days. It's free. Join me at www.flute.school/free. And I walk you through exactly what you need to improve your tone straight away. Oh, Hey, my name is Jane Cavanagh. I forgot to say I love showing people how to get faster progress with their flute, playing through proper technique, like learn the proper techniques of flute playing, and you get instant improvement to your playing. So not just your tone, like I'm teaching you in the mini course, but to all of your playing. And the reason I like teaching this to people is because it fast tracks their way to musical self-expression. I'd love to see you in the minicourse www.flute.school/free, good luck through this lockdown. Enjoy your practicing that you do. And I hope your friends and family and neighbors enjoy getting the little recordings of you. See you later.